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9 Common Mistakes Made During Divorce


Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging and emotional experience. While dealing with the heartache and frustration, it's easy to fall into common mistakes that can make the process even more difficult. That's why it's essential to be aware of these errors and learn how to avoid them. By taking into consideration the mistakes outlined in this post, you can navigate the divorce process with greater confidence and success.

1. Dating During Divorce

As you go through the process of divorce, it's crucial to put your focus on what matters most: yourself and your legal proceedings. One aspect of your life that can complicate matters and hinder your progress is dating. Entering into new relationships during this time can create animosity between you and your ex-spouse, and it could potentially lead to a longer, more drawn-out process.

It's important to avoid any distractions that could affect your emotional well-being and legal matters. Taking this time to reflect on yourself and heal emotionally, can help make the divorce process easier.

2. Making Emotional Decisions

Divorce is certainly an emotionally difficult time. It is natural to feel a range of emotions, including anger, sadness, fear, and confusion, during the divorce process. However, allowing these feelings to drive your decision-making can have a detrimental impact on your future.

While acting on impulse may bring temporary satisfaction, it can cause lasting harm. Instead, it is crucial to make decisions based on rational thinking to ensure that you make the best choices for yourself and your future. Seeking the help of a qualified attorney, therapist, or family counselor can provide you with the support and guidance you need to make sound decisions regarding your divorce.

3. Not Considering Taxes

When going through a divorce settlement agreement, it is important to carefully consider any tax implications that may arise. In cases where marital assets are being divided or there are child and spousal support payments involved, tax implications can have a significant impact on your financial future.

Particularly, when dividing retirement or pension plans, it is essential to know the tax consequences behind your options. Failure to account for these tax considerations can lead to unexpected payments and a misevaluation of assets during property division. Being mindful of tax consequences in the settlement process can help prevent unwanted financial strains down the road.

4. Failing to Communicate with Your Spouse

It is important to remember that communication is key to reaching a fair and amicable settlement. If possible, maintain an open line of communication with your ex-spouse to possibly save yourself the cost and stress of a lengthy and protracted court battle.

It is important to approach these discussions calmly and respectfully, and to listen to each other's concerns and needs. Seeking the guidance of a mediator or collaborative lawyer can also be helpful in facilitating productive discussions. Ultimately, putting in the effort to communicate effectively can lead to a smoother and more efficient divorce process.

5. Not Checking Up on Your Children

It's important to acknowledge that divorce is a difficult process for everyone involved, including children. While it's understandable to want your child to have a good relationship with both parents, avoid having them act as a messenger between you and your ex or using them to try to fill the gap left behind after a divorce.

In fact, forcing your child to play a role like this may cause more harm in the long run. Not only can it lead to resentment towards one or both parents, but it can also damage your relationship with the child. As difficult as it may be, it's important to seek out other forms of support during a divorce and allow your child to adjust to the changes without the added pressure of taking on a role that's not theirs. By doing so, you're providing them with the support they need to navigate this challenging time.

6. Following Other’s Opinions

It's important to remember that this is your divorce. It's easy to let friends and family members take control of the process, but in the end, it's you who will have to live with the decisions made. By actively participating in the process, you can ensure that your opinions and desires are taken into account.

Being firm regarding your decisions can be difficult, but it's important in order to achieve the ultimate outcome that you want. Avoid letting others dictate the outcome of your divorce. Take control and make the decisions that will impact your life's path.

7. Hiding Assets

Honesty is key when it comes to the legal aspects of your separation. If you feel like your spouse has treated you unfairly, it may be tempting to hide assets or be dishonest in court.

However, hiding assets can have serious consequences. Not only can it lead to legal trouble down the road, but it can also damage your credibility in the eyes of the judge. Therefore, it is crucial to be transparent about your financial situation and to disclose all marital assets. By doing so, you can work towards a fair and just resolution to your divorce proceedings.

8. Unrealistic Future Financial Expectations

Going through a divorce is a challenging journey that can leave a lasting impact on your life, especially pertaining to financial stability. It's crucial to understand that the changes in your finances following a divorce can be significant. A study found that women over 50 faced a 45% drop in the standard of living after divorce. As such, you may have to adjust to a decrease in your income and new expenses may appear on the horizon such as new insurance costs and ongoing marital debts.

Additionally, if you have any children, child support payments can have a significant impact on your budget. However, it's important to remember that it's not impossible to recover financially after a divorce. With the right guidance and proper financial planning, you can regain control of your finances and create a bright financial future for yourself.

9. Divorcing on Your Own

Divorce requires careful planning, clear communication, and attention to detail. One of the most significant mistakes you can make during this process is attempting to do it on your own.

While you may believe that getting a divorce without an attorney will save you money, the reality is that this could cost you far more in the long run. You may not be aware of the legal and financial intricacies involved in divorce, and failing to seek an attorney's help could lead to costly and potentially harmful mistakes. An experienced divorce attorney can help you pursue a fair outcome in your divorce.

Contact our team at the Law Office of Dennis R. Vetrano, Jr., LLC. We’re passionate about helping clients navigate the complexities of divorce.

Call today at (845) 605-4330 or schedule a consultation with us online.
