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Why Is It Important to Hire a Divorce Attorney?


Going through a divorce can be a complex and emotionally challenging process. Hiring a divorce attorney may seem like an additional expense, but it can actually be a smart investment that brings some peace of mind. If you are considering divorce or have already started the process, read on to learn a few of the important reasons to consider hiring a divorce attorney to help you.

5 Reasons to Hire a Divorce Attorney

1. Our Lawyers Can Advocate for You

When you're in the midst of a divorce, it can be stressful to try and divide up assets with your soon-to-be former spouse. While it may be tempting to try and negotiate on your own, it's important to consider getting a divorce lawyer to advocate on your behalf. This is especially true if your former partner is already working with their own attorney to protect their interests.

With a legal professional on your side, your preferences will be advocated for. Even if you and your spouse are on relatively good terms, having a divorce lawyer can provide peace of mind during a difficult time.

2. Your Rights Will be Protected

It's essential to know your rights and entitlements under New York divorce law. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of what they are entitled to, and this can leave them at a disadvantage when it comes to receiving a fair settlement.

Our team of highly-skilled divorce lawyers can provide you with the professional advice you need to ensure you understand your rights and entitlements fully. We will also ensure you have all the information you need to make informed choices about your future, particularly as a parent. We can help you evaluate any proposals put forward by your spouse or their attorney to work towards fair and mutually beneficial agreements.

3. Our Lawyers Can Help You Remain Objective

Divorce can be an emotionally charged experience that leaves both parties feeling vulnerable and uncertain about their financial future. These emotions can often cloud judgment and make it harder for divorcing spouses to remain objective when it comes to dividing assets. Some may even feel entitled to more than their fair share. This is where a good attorney comes in.

By assessing your situation objectively and providing realistic options, we can help you fight for what you want using fair and objective legal standards. Our goal is to make sure you reach a settlement that is equitable and meets your needs, while helping you navigate the complex legal process with professionalism and confidence.

4. Our Attorneys Have Extensive Divorce Case Experience

It can be tough to navigate all the legal procedures and terminologies associated with divorce, especially when unexpected things happen during the process. At our firm, we specialize in handling divorce and have seen it all.

Our team of attorneys has extensive knowledge of divorce law and can guide you through the process, step by step. We ensure that you fill out all paperwork correctly and explain any legal language that you may not understand. With us, you can rest assured that you are in good hands, so you can focus on healing and moving forward without the additional burden of legal stress.

5. Our Divorce Lawyers Can Help You Communicate with Your Spouse

The feelings of anger, betrayal, sadness, and other emotions can make it difficult to communicate with your spouse. However, it is crucial to maintain open communication during this process. The better you two communicate, the smoother the divorce proceedings will be.

Our divorce lawyer can communicate with your spouse and their legal team for you. We can also help you understand how to approach conversations with your spouse, allowing for a more effective dialogue.

The Law Office of Dennis R. Vetrano, Jr., LLC has helped numerous clients over the years in their divorce cases and are experienced in handling any type of case. Let us help you, too.

Call us today at (845) 605-4330 or contact us online to learn more about how we can help.
