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6 Ways to Care for Yourself During Divorce


Self-Care Is the Best Care

No one can prepare for the termination of their “happily ever after.” Divorce is an unsettling time for all parties and involves intense stress, emotions and planning. Oftentimes, people are so focused on their divorce matters that they forget about caring for the most important priority: Themselves. As such, it’s essential to talk about self-care.

Our Westchester County family lawyers have watched countless clients become their own worst enemies during their divorce, the primary reason being the lack of self-care. We understand that there are more pressing issues on their plates, but underestimating the importance of self-care can actually add more issues to their plates.

Thus, we encourage you to review the 6 tips below to learn how to care for yourself during your divorce. It may not appeal to you right now, but trust us, you’ll thank yourself later.

  1. Get yourself into the right mind, body and soul
    • Pick that one person you can trust as an advisor, confidant and sounding board. You may want to engage a professional counselor for this.
    • Develop a healthy diet and exercise regimen that works for you and your schedule.
    • Consider trying yoga, meditation or another form of stress relief.
  2. Pick a skill, hobby or talent you always wanted to explore and:
    • Take a class to learn about it.
    • Read a book about it.
    • Practice it by yourself or with others who obtain the same interests.
  3. Take a trip
    • Visit a place you have always wanted to see but have never been. It does not need to be anything fancy.
    • If you don’t want to take a few days or weeks off, consider road tripping. Road trips are a convenient and effective way of experiencing a change of scenery and escaping reality.
  4. Put yourself first, second and third, and don't feel guilty about hiring a babysitter or taking an afternoon off to do so.
    • Schedule time to see friends.
    • Take some time to go to the gym.
    • Go see a movie.
    • Take a spa day.
    • Cook yourself something nice.
  5. Join a club or organization that you choose! It can be anything to get you out of the house and around people with similar interests and/or experiences.
    • Volunteering.
    • Taking on hobbies.
    • Joining a spiritual/religious club.
    • Engaging in a support group.
  6. Set new goals for yourself post-divorce: The great thing about setting goals is that only you can set them and only you can achieve them. They can be as simple and mundane as cleaning out that shed you've been meaning to tackle for months, or as grandiose as that lifelong dream of going back to school to obtain your doctorate degree.

You Come First. Treat Yourself as Such.

Our Westchester County divorce lawyers want the best for you. We urge you to not let your divorce define your future and derail your aspirations, as you deserve to regain your peace of mind. The six self-care tips above are not comprehensive by any means, but they serve as a guideline to help you determine what you need.

The Law Office of Dennis R. Vetrano, Jr., LLC does not only care about resolving your divorce matters but also you as a human being. We view obstacles as opportunities for success and hope to help you perceive your divorce as such.

To learn more about how our divorce attorneys in Westchester County can assist you, contact us at (845) 605-4330!