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3 Main Reasons a Parent Can Lose Custody


After a divorce or breakup, it’s not uncommon for parents to end up being afraid of losing custody of their kids to their ex. We’ve heard clients being afraid because they work too much, because they leave their children home alone a lot, because they’re not there when their kids get out of school, or because they think they rely on nannies and babysitters more than they should.

If you’re worried you’ll lose custody or if your former spouse is threatening to fight for custody in court, you probably have a lot of questions, such as, “Why would a judge take custody away from one parent and give it to another?” Read on as we discuss this issue in further detail. If you need legal advice, don’t hesitate to contact our firm directly.

When Parents Lose Custody

While there are various reasons why a parent may lose custody of their children, it often comes down to one of the following three reasons:

  1. Not obeying the law. If a parent does not follow the law and they do not let the noncustodial parent see their children during their court-ordered visitation time, or if they are alienating the other parent, they can lose custody of their children.
  2. A parent focusing more on their own rights than on the best interests of their children. When children get older for example, between the ages of 7 and 10, they’ll start activities that will conflict with the parent’s time. Parents need to be flexible, especially when it serves the children well.
  3. Child abuse or child neglect. We have seen child custody changed many times because of child abuse or neglect. Substance abuse is another reason – when kids are exposed to drug or alcohol abuse it can lead to a change in custody.

If you’re faced with a child custody battle, we strongly encourage you to meet with an experienced attorney from our firm. We can discuss your concerns, put some solutions on the table, and work toward a rationale that is in the best interests of your children, whatever that may be.

In the meantime, continue to show up as a conscious parent and have some confidence that you’re a good parent and you’ll continue to do this. In the absence of child abuse or neglect, judges don’t generally like to change the status quo. Contact us today to learn more!
