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Preparing Children for a Divorce


As tumultuous and emotional as a divorce can be for parents, it is equally if not more so for children. For a child who has grown up with married parents, divorce can be a frightening change and will likely bring several emotions and questions. Unfortunately, since many parents do not know themselves how their lives will change after their divorce, answering these questions can be challenging. Fortunately, there are many things that parents can do to reassure their children and help them prepare for what lies ahead.

When speaking to your child about your divorce, be sure to communicate the following points:

  1. They are not to blame: Arguably the most important message you can communicate to your child is to reassure them that they are not to blame for your divorce. Although some issues influencing your divorce may concern your children, stress that the issue lies between you and your spouse – not between you and them. Your divorce is not their fault; make sure they hear this reassurance frequently
  2. You will always love them: Though you and your spouse may no longer see eye to eye, nothing will ever change the love you have for your children. No matter what happens moving forward, you will always be their parents, and you will always care for them.
  3. They will be safe: There are few things more unsettling than change, especially one as monumental as divorce. As such, younger children may become fearful for their safety. Let them know that while things will indeed change, their safety and wellbeing is still your top priority and they will always be in your care.
  4. Be honest: While you do not need to tell your children every explicit detail regarding why you are separating from your spouse, give them enough information to prepare for the near future. Tell them what will change, and more importantly, what will not change. Always keep it tactful, and avoid bad mouthing your spouse in front of them.

Divorcing? Contact the Law Office of Dennis R. Vetrano, Jr., LLC

Divorce is one of the most stressful experiences you can encounter during your life – and it is not one you should have to endure alone. If you and your spouse have decided to part ways, our Dutchess County divorce lawyers at the Law Office of Dennis R. Vetrano, Jr., LLC can provide the steadfast guidance you need to navigate through this time of transition as smoothly as possible.

Call (845) 605-4330 or contact our office online today to find out more about how we can help.
