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Domestic Abuse Victim Sentenced to Jail


Our society expects the law to treat everyone equally, regardless of who they are or what they are accused of committing. That’s the whole reason why Justice is often depicted as blind and holding balanced scales. But is there a time when the law needs to be compassionate or flexible? When do specific circumstances supersede the unwavering might of the legal system? These questions abound in a news story coming out of Florida.

After a domestic violence victim failed to appear in court, Florida county Judge Jerri Collins sentenced her to three days in jail for being in contempt of court. Through tears and pleads, the victim – who has remained unnamed to the public – argued that her depression and anxiety, in combination with general fear of seeing her abuser again, prevented her from making her previous court date. When Collins was unmoved, she continued by stating that she was a single mother of a one-year old boy. The three-day sentence was unchanged.

Debating the Weight of the Gavel

To some people, the story comes as an unwelcome shock, showcasing a justice system that lacks compassion. They believe cases like this create distrust in the average American, feeling as if they are stripped of any reason to call the police for help. To others, it is a reminder that we all must obey the law, and that justice is best left blind. As the controversy still stirs over the judge’s decision, it is unclear if future developments will arise from the case.

Regardless of how you feel about Judge Collins’s decision, it is important that you always understand your rights as they pertain to family law and domestic violence cases. If you have any questions or need help with a family law case, speak to our Dutchess County divorce attorneys from the Law Office of Dennis R. Vetrano, Jr., LLC today. By calling 845.605.4330, you can request a consultation with our team.
