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5 Non-Physical Signs You Might Be in a Domestically Violent Relationship and the Questions You Should be Asking Yourself...

When people think of “domestic violence,” they often think it only happens in low-income families or among people who abuse drugs or alcohol or both. But the reality is, that’s not the case at all. Study after study has found that domestic violence impacts people from all races, religions, and socioeconomic classes. It’s just as likely to occur behind the doors of a mansion as it is to occur in a poor neighborhood.

If anything, it’s a problem that is commonly passed down from generation to generation, though that is not absolute. There are definitely domestic violence survivors who were abused as children or who witnessed domestic violence as children, and they decided to put a stop to the pattern of abuse and not repeat it with their own families.

Are You a Victim of Domestic Violence?

You may believe that for it to be domestic violence, you have to be brutally beaten and have black and blue bruises for it to be abuse – that is not the case. Domestic violence takes on many forms; it includes physical abuse, threats, emotional abuse, throwing things, child abuse, abusing the family pets, controlling your movements, hair pulling, and scaring you.

When emotional or physical abuse seems isolated (the victim hopes it won’t happen again), “explainable” or “justifiable,” domestic violence victims can be blind about what’s happening. They can be full-blown victims of domestic violence and not be aware of what’s occurring – it happens all the time. It’s not that they choose to stay in an abusive relationship, it’s that they don’t realize they’re in one.

Here are 5 non-physical signs you might be in a domestically violent relationship and the questions you should be asking yourself:

  1. Do you have control over your own finances or is your significant other controlling the purse strings?
  2. Do you have your OWN friends, independent of your spouse or significant other that you can interact with?
  3. Are you able to visit and spend enough time with your family when and where you choose?
  4. Does your spouse or significant other encourage you to pursue the education and/or career goals that YOU choose?
  5. Are you able to work and/or volunteer and/or maintain a job outside the home?

If after reading this article you believe you’re a victim of domestic violence, we urge you to contact our firm before you say or do anything to end your marriage. We can help answer your legal questions and explain your rights and responsibilities under the law. Contact us today for the compassionate legal representation you deserve – all of our consultations are confidential.
