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When Do You Need a PR Firm to Assist with Your Divorce Case?


Are you a CEO who is going through a high-profile divorce? Or, are you a politician, a community leader, a business owner, or another public figure who is in the spotlight? If so, your divorce is unique from regular divorces that are not on the front page of the paper or at the top of everybody’s Facebook and Twitter feeds.

As a public figure, your brand and your image are important. What people say and think about you can directly impact your business, your income, and your bottom line. Whether you’re having a collaborative or high-conflict, litigated divorce, it’s still a high-stakes legal issue. As such, it may be necessary to manage the communications process effectively so the news your audiences receive doesn’t have a disastrous effect. The idea is to manage and control what is said about you and your divorce.

When to Hire a PR Firm

Ever heard how it can take years to build a good reputation and only seconds to ruin it? Well, that certainly rings true for public figures as you’re probably keenly aware. If you’re a successful entrepreneur, CEO, or another public figure and you have a high-profile divorce, it may be wise, very wise, to hire a PR firm to assist with your divorce case.

Do YOU need a PR firm? If a “good public perception” is critical for you, your brand, or the company you work for, you may benefit by adding a PR firm to your divorce team. Generally, PR firm assists in divorce cases whenever the public’s perception is critical for a client. In such cases, PR firms assist divorcing clients with:

  • Messaging
  • Media training
  • Delivering sensitive divorce news to the public
  • Managing media coverage
  • Securing media coverage
  • Managing what divorce details are released to the public
  • Identifying and responding to the “right” media opportunities
  • Serving as a centralized resource for reporters, journalists, and bloggers
  • The timing of releasing information to the public about divorce milestones
  • Monitoring print, online, and social media coverage about the divorce
  • Managing what is being said about the client’s divorce case

Next: Unique Challenges with a High-Asset Divorce

At the Law Office of Dennis R. Vetrano, Jr., LLC, we regularly handle high-profile divorces. If you’re looking for a law firm that has the experience necessary to handle such cases, we invite you to contact us at (845) 605-4330. If you decide that you do need a PR firm to assist in your divorce, we can help you achieve that goal.