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Do I Need a Lawyer For a Divorce?


One of the biggest things that can determine the outcome of a divorce is how the couple seeking the separation is able to work with one other. Some couples are able to peacefully resolve their separation without the help of the court, while others are unable to come to an acceptable agreement between themselves concerning many aspects of their divorce. Whether a couple is amicable about the separation or fighting each other throughout the entire split, hiring a divorce lawyer can be instrumental in seeing the divorce resolved successfully.

Why should I work with an attorney?

Working with a lawyer in a divorce may not be appealing to some people. Lawyers always seem to be expensive, and working through a court case can take an emotional toll on the parties involved. In addition, having personal information made accessible to the public sphere can be unappealing and tense. If a couple is able to work out complicated issues with one another, a divorce judgment can be received from the court without the help of an attorney.

However, few marriages can be ended in a completely amicable manner.

There are many reasons why a divorcing couple should hire a divorce attorney:

  • One spouse is being vindictive and uncooperative towards the other
  • One spouse has already hired an lawyer to protect their interests
  • Some sort of abuse is feared
  • There is a significant amount of assets and disputes to be resolved

In addition, a divorce attorney has experience with the law and the legal system. Working with a lawyer can help settle any issues, such as complicated property division, spousal support, and child custody agreements that arise in divorce.

The decisions that are made during a divorce can stay with you for a very long time. Spousal and child support agreements, once settled upon, involve additional court time to alter and once assets have been divided, it can be hard to take them back. When a lawyer is involved, an individual can be confident that their rights and interests are being protected under the law.

If you are seeking options in a divorce, you should contact a divorce attorney to learn how they can help. The Law Office of Dennis R. Vetrano, Jr., LLC offers case evaluations to discuss options that are available to you in your divorce.