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Mediation may be a better option, especially for your employer


Divorce is a process that signifies more than just the end of a marriage; it also leads to a change in lifestyle. From potentially shifting to a single income and moving into a new home, the end of a marriage is a major life event. As a result, it is not surprising that divorce can have a negative impact on one's job performance.

A variety of articles touch on the issue, noting that the divorce process can lead to decreased productivity not just for the employee going through the process but for those working with this individual as well. There are certain types of divorce that can reduce the risk of diminished work productivity, namely the collaborative divorce and mediation processes.

Collaborative divorce and mediation: the basics.

In situations where a couple is aiming for an amicable split, collaborative divorce or mediation are two viable options. These two forms of divorce allow a couple to split without the traditional courtroom battle that can accompany a contested divorce proceeding.

A collaborative divorce allows each spouse and their respective attorneys to commit to completing the divorce process, including property division determinations and child custody arrangement agreements, without entering the courtroom. The commitment is made in writing. The attorneys representing each spouse agree to step down if the collaborative process fails and the couple chooses to go to the courtroom to finalize the divorce. The couples meet with their attorneys in a neutral setting and agree to candidly provide all necessary documents, from financial reports and tax documents to a list of personal property. Additional professionals can be hired as needed. In some cases, a financial expert may be recommended.

Mediation is similar, but allows the couple to move forward with the divorce using a third party mediator. This mediator facilitates the divorce process for the couple and helps them to develop a divorce agreement. The written agreement serves as a contract that is generally enforceable. If the process fails, the couple may choose to move forward with the divorce in a more traditional courtroom setting.

Connection to employment

Both mediation and the collaborative divorce process are not only less expensive but can be less emotionally draining than the traditional divorce process. This can help reduce the risk of a divorce having a noticeable, negative impact on one's job.

It is important to note that these options are not best for every couple. Mediation and the collaborative divorce process work best in uncontested situations.

Determining the right process for your situation can be difficult. As a result, it is wise to contact an experienced divorce attorney to discuss your situation and help you determine which option will better ensure your interests are preserved.
